Preparation Guide for GMAT

Bharat Choudhary 1 11:55 AM
Preparing for GMAT

The IIM CAT (Common Admission Test) gets a lot of space in discussion forums while its international cousin, GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), though revered for its reliability, is hardly discussed. Now that the GMAT score is used by a good number of B-schools in India, IIMA( PGPX), ISB Hyderabad, IIMB (PGSEM), GLIM Chennai, to name a few, let us take a closer look
at it.

GMAT tests verbal (sentence correction, critical reasoning and reading comprehension), Math (problem- solving and data sufficiency), and analytical writing skills. The test assesses diverse competencies, the prerequisites of which are strong fundamentals, the ability to think laterally and an analytical approach, be it for sentence formation (grammar), critical reasoning (logic) reading comprehension or quantitative problem-solving.

GMAT is arguably the most repeated test. Twice, thrice, at times four attempts. Given that B-schools require 670+ out of 800, thorough preparation is indispensable. The preparation cannot be confined to taking computer-based tests or solving questions from the official guide. An overload of practice material in the Internet has also mostly caused confusion among test-takers — how much of it is adequate and if all relevant topics are covered.

The reading comprehension section requires one to analyse and evaluate varied topics from economics, literature, philosophy, science and history.

One who is planning to do GMAT should start early by extensive reading of such texts. This can be followed up with Reading Comprehension (RC) tests of good quality. Do not forget to analyse your performance after taking a test. Observe your pattern of errors and rectify.

To score well in the Reading Comprehension, good diction is a must. You must know the fine difference in meaning the words like explain, argue, propose, analyse, evaluate (words that summarise the primary purpose of the passage) convey.

For the Critical Reasoning section, there is a lot to learn about argument formation, argument types, argument evaluation and fallacies in arguments. One should know the terminology that comprises the philosophy of argument (inductive generalisation, argument by analogy, flaws in reasoning, post hoc fallacy, to mention a few) from a whole spectrum of logic.

Sentence correction needs a lot of preparation — requirements of standard written English, syntactical formats, effective expressions (placing modifiers at the right place, avoiding unnecessary repetitions, ambiguity, choosing appropriate words).

The problem-solving section of the GMAT is not as challenging as that of CAT. However, since most GMAT candidates have a gap in academics, a thorough review of the basics of math is a good start. This can be followed by strategy building — analysing numerical problems, diagramming problems, substitution of suitable values, forming equations, forming hypothesis and testing, assessing the adequacy of data, and the like.

The essays need attention — brainstorming on topics, learning the intricacies of argument analysis and adequate practice on timed organised writing (feel relieved that all topics are pre-disclosed; download them from the GMAC website)

In sum, to a reasonable extent, GMAT tests a candidate's preparedness for the rigours of business education and business careers thereafter.

Those competencies involve quantitative analysis, critical and divergent thinking, decision-making, interpreting and evaluating complex data, and expressing ideas coherently and persuasively. These skills are reflected in the GMAT. Study well and crack it the first attempt itself.


Director -Academics, semantics, Chennai  

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Nice Post. Cracking GMAT is never easy so student should give extra efforts in exam preparation. Joining course for GMAT exam preparation is a great idea. I found e-GMAT Online Courses for exam preparation. They are the best in the industry.

Best Regards
Online Sentence Correction

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