
Bharat Choudhary Reply 7:54 PM


4. Bacteria


Bacteria are microorganisms that lack a nucleus and have a cell wall composed of peptidoglycan, a protein-sugar molecule. Bacteria are the most common organisms on earth and are intimately connected to the lives of all organisms. The common structural forms are
  • Spherical or ovoid (coccus )
  • rod shaped or cylindrical (bacillus )
  • spiral or screw (spirillum)
  • Many forms of bacteria are not capable of independent movement,. Some Bacteria which live in liquid often have thread like projections called flagella (e.g Salmonella bacterium) 

Reproduction in bacteria is largely by binary fission i.e. it splits into two. In some case due to some extreme environmental conditions, they
form tiny structures is called Spores. It is formed by condensation of protoplasm into a spherical or egg shaped body and they germinate under favourable conditions. Some bacteria exhibit a type of sexual reproduction.

Human Diseases caused by bacteria 

Name of Bacteria
Mode of Transmission
Septic sore throat
By direct contact & droplets
Corynebacterim diptheriae
Infect respiratory tract by carrier, direct contact, droplets and food
Diplococcus pneumoniae
respiratory tract,lungs by direct contact, droplets and food.
Lungs, bones etc by direct contact
Plague or Babonic Plague
Yersinia pestis
Rat flea spreads from rat to man
Clostridium tetani
Bacteria in soil, enter through wounds
Samonella typhi
Flies, food, faeces, water and carriers
Samonella typhi
Flies, food, faeces, water and carriers
Vibrio Cholerae
Flies, food, faeces, water and carriers
Bacillary dysentery
Shigella dysenteriae
Flies, food, faeces, water and carriers
Whooping Cough
Hemophilus pertussis
Neisseria gomorrhoeae
Sexual intercourse
Treponema Pallidum
Sexual intercourse
Mycobacterium leprae
Sexual intercourse
Mycobacterium leprae
Long and close contact with infected
Clostridium botulinum
Organism produces poison in food


Vaccination or Immunization or inoculation is a method of stimulating resistance in the human body to specific diseases using microorganisms -bacteria or viruses-that have been modified or killed. These vaccines do not cause diseases but stimulates the production of antibodies in its blood. It build a defense mechanism that continuously guards against the disease. If a person immunized against a particular disease later comes into contact with the disease-causing agent, the immune system is immediately able to respond defensively. Bacterial vaccines are used chiefly in immunizing human beings and animals against such diseases on diphtheria, cholera and typhoid fever.


Aerobic bacteria uses oxygen for respiration and anaerobic bacteria maintain respiration without free oxygen and this process is known as fermentation. So it is used in the production of vinegar and other substances. Some bacteria decompose organic matter and fix nitrogen by converting atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates. These are mainly found in the roots of legumes such as peas, clover and alfalfa. In human beings, intestinal bacteria produce lactic acid which promotes digestion.

Bioremediation: It is the use of microorganisms such as bacteria to remove environmental pollutants from soil, water or gases.


Serum is a preparation from blood of an animal that has been inoculated with bacteria. This contains antibodies that formed as a consequence of the disease. The important antibodies produced with the help of bacteria are streptomycin, Aureomycin, Terramycin. Please note that penicillin is produced by an Fungi .

Important scientists who studied bacteria
  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek : The first person to systematically study bacteria.
  • Louis Pasteur: Showed that microbes do not arise from nonliving matter (germ theory). He also founded the science of microbiology, invented the process of pasteurization, and developed vaccines for several diseases, including rabies.
  • Robert Koch: showed that bacteria could cause disease.

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