Possibilities are Endless

Bharat Choudhary Reply 6:27 PM


Although it can be lovely to have anticipation towards something that promises to be exciting or good, surprisingly it can cause difficulties or even problems in certain situations. Anticipating a lovely holiday, romantic evening and getting the new car can be great, but to do this when the outcome of a situation is far from certain, can lead to disappointment or preclude something entirely different or even better.

For instance, I am often asked by new clients during their first sessions of the Alexander Technique what is my plan for them and what stages will we go through? What different things will we be doing each session? All sensible and reasonable questions. To fully relate to the implications of them would require some knowledge of the technique
, but it will be clear, that if I were to plan an activity or stage for someone in a session, I am anticipating 'how they will be' when they arrive. There is an assumption and expectation on my part that they will be in a particular condition, physically and mentally to be ready for this new level. My response to this may be surprising so let me explain my reason.
During the Alexander session, I work with my client by using my hands to help release unnecessary physical tension and encourage a freedom, lightness and expansiveness of their stature. We improve their balance and co-ordination, and this is done by eliminating harmful posture habits that are interfering with their natural instinct for good poise. If we get rid of the unwanted habits, the good posture takes care of itself wonderfully. Backache, neck tension, stress and other physical problems can just disappear. Although we have a broad objective of helping them become looser, better balanced, taller and more open, what I do with my hands, will depend on their condition moment by moment as they change. I have to interpret their needs at any given time as we unravel the knots.
Naturally, being human we are in a constant state of change, and there are many influences that can affect our mood, energy level and state of well-being. So although on previous occasions my client may have shown certain characteristics, it's quite possible for her to be very different next time. i.e. she may be more stressed, upset at the loss of her cat, premenstrual, irritable because of the New Moon, hung-over, or she may be ebullient and chirpy in ways I wouldn't have expected if she had previously been prone to depression. All of these states will affect her physical posture, muscle tension, and consequently her condition with which I need to work. We work to make it all better. Improvement on a bad day is as important as improvement on a good day. We're dealing with 'life' and how we cope with it.
If I anticipate how my client will be and work according to my preconceived idea, I am blinkering myself to reality. I am no longer open to 'see' things as they are, and in such a case, it's quite likely that my work would be inappropriate for her situation at that precise moment.
So, even if I have met my client many times before, I endeavour to consider each new session as our first meeting, without any preconceived attitudes or expectations, just so that I am open to all possibilities and not preclude something unexpected and even better. My work requires me to listen with my hands, sense how she is at any given moment, and interpret her needs inxtinctlvely. Posture and her condition is constantly changing.
So I don't anticipate any more than a jazz musician, who plays 'in the moment' and improvises according to what the other musicians are playing. They improvise together second by second. They bring to the concert their instrument and their ability to play it. And although they may have a loose framework for a number, they then are free to interpret and play with (and against) each other. They keep their minds open.
Being open to all possibilities in life is a principle I try to abide by. You just never know what is around the corner or how one thing may affect another. There is no point in worrying about it either, or you'll end up demented. I think it's just good to go with the flow in life, let happen what does, and enjoy each moment for what it is. Yes, we can have hopes and visions for the future and even creatively visualise them to bring them to fruition, but don't blinker yourself to them or you may miss out on something even more wonderful! 

The only constant in life is change.

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