How to perform Excellent in Exams? - Note Making

Bharat Choudhary Reply 9:58 AM

Cornell Method

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The Cornell system for taking notes is designed to save time but yet be highly efficient. There is no rewriting or retyping of your notes. It is a "DO IT RIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE" system.

1. First Step – PREPARATION

Use a large, loose-leaf notebook. Use only one side of the paper. (you then can lay your notes out to see the direction of a lecture.) Draw a vertical line 2 1/2 inches from the left side of you paper. This is the recall column. Notes will be taken to the right of this margin. Later key words or phrases can be written in the recall column. Draw a horizontal line two inches up from the bottom of the page for summaries.


Record notes in paragraph form. Capture general ideas, not illustrative ideas. Skip lines to show end of ideas or thoughts. Using abbreviations will save time. Write legibly.


Read through your notes and make it more legible if necessary. Now use the column. Jot down ideas or key words that give you the idea of the lecture. (REDUCE) You will have to reread the lecturer's ideas and reflect in your own words. Cover up the right-hand portion of your notes and recite the general ideas and concepts of the lecture. Overlap your notes showing only recall columns and you have your review.


Effective Listening

*       Sit near the front of the room.
*       Find a reason to listen to the speaker.  Why is this important??
*       Listen for more than just facts; try to understand the big picture.
*       Recite key ideas to yourself.
*       Take more notes than necessary.
*       Pay attention.
*       Avoid outside distractions and internal noise.
*       Anticipate what the speaker is going to say next.
*       Try to select main ideas and supporting details (mentally organize).
*       Prepare for lectures beforehand.
*       Listen first, then write; leave spaces to fill in gaps in your information.
*       Formulate questions to look up later, or ask the instructor.
*       Put aside personal bias and listen to the content of the speaker’s message.

Write it Down if the Speaker:

à       Repeats an item.
à       Writes an item on the board or overhead.
à       Points or gestures.
à       Changes tone or volume of voice.
à       Makes a direct reference to the book.
à       Asks if everyone understands.
à       Gives an example.
à       Slows down.


The Five R’s of Notetaking
(Adapted from Pauk’s How to Study in College)

1.  RECORD:      During the lecture, write all meaningful information legibly.

2.  REDUCE:       After the lecture, write a summary of the ideas and facts using key words as cue words.  Summarizing as you study helps to:

Ø Clarify meanings and relationships of ideas.
Ø Reinforce continuity.
Ø Strengthen memory retention.
Ø Prepare for exams in advance.

3.  RECITE:         To study properly, you must recite all the information in
your own words without looking at your notes or the

4.  REFLECT:      Think about your own opinions and ideas as you read over your notes.  Raise questions, then try to answer them creatively.  Record original ideas in your notebook and review them regularly.  Use your creative ideas when answering exam questions, in classroom discussions, and when writing papers.

5.  REVIEW:        Before reading or studying new material, take ten minutes to quickly review your older notes.  Skim over the main ideas and details.  Review enhances more effective retention of old material when adding new material to your memory system.

Daydreaming: Be in class in Body and Mind

*    Notice your writing.  When you discover yourself slipping into a fantasyland, notice how your pen feels in your hand.  Notice how your notes look.  Paying attention to the act of writing can bring you back to the here and now.

*    Write your thoughts down.  If you are distracted by errands you have to run or other things you have to do, write them on a 3X5 card and put it in your pocket.  Mark your notes so you know where your mind started to wander.

*    Be with the instructor.  In your mind, put yourself right up front with the instructor.  Imagine that you and the instructor are the only ones in the room and the lecture is a personal talk with you.  Pay attention to the instructor’s body language and facial expressions.  Look the instructor in the eye.

*    Notice your environment.  When your mind starts to wander, bring yourself back to class by paying attention to the temperature in the room, the feel of your chair, or the quality of the light in the room.  Run your hand along the surface of your desk.  Listen to the fan running or the sound of the teacher’s voice.  Be in that environment.

Source:Ellis, David B.  (1994).  Becoming a Master Student: Tools, Techniques, Hints, Ideas, Illustrations, Examples, Methods, Procedures, Processes, Skills, Resources, and Suggestions for Success.  Rapid City, SD: College Survival, 378p

Examples of Technical Symbols

+    plus, positive, and
-   minus, negative
x   algebraic x, or multiplied by
÷   divided by
>   greater than, greatly, increased, increasing
<   less than, reduced, decreasing
vs   versus or against

Typical Technical Abbreviations

anlys     analysis
asmg      assuming
cald      called
cnst      constant
dfnd      defined
dstrbg    disturbing
eftvns    effectiveness
frdm      freedom
gvs       gives
isltn     isolation
reman     remain
rltnshp   relationship
smpl      simple
systm     system
sgnft     significant
valu      value

** Make up your own abbreviations, especially for words you use often! 
Source : Penn State university

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