World Geography - Facts at a Glance : Countries of the World

Bharat Choudhary Reply 1:19 AM
List of countries by (2010 estmtd.) populations, as well as land sizes and densities :

Top 10 Countries By Highest Population

Country Name:Population



3United States of America309,975,000








Top 10 Countries By lowest Population

Country Name: Population Area
(Sq. Km.)
Population Density
(Sq. Km.)

1 Vatican City 800 1.00 800.00

2 Nauru 10,000 21.00 476.19

3 Tuvalu 10,000 26.00 384.62

4 Palau 20,000 458.00 43.67

5 San Marino 32,386 61.00 530.92

6 Monaco 33,000 2.00 16,500.00

7 Liechtenstein 35,904 160.00 224.40

8 Saint Kitts & Nevis 38,960 261.00 149.27

9 Marshall Islands 63,000 181.00 348.07

10 Dominica 67,000 754.00 88.86

Top 10 Countries By Highest Area

Country Name: Population Area
(Sq. Km.)
Population Density
(Sq. Km.)

1 Russia 141,927,297 17,075,200.00 8.31

2 Canada 34,207,000 9,976,140.00 3.43

3 United States of America 309,975,000 9,629,091.00 32.19

4 China 1,339,190,000 9,596,960.00 139.54

5 Brazil 193,364,000 8,511,965.00 22.72

6 Australia 22,421,417 7,686,850.00 2.92

7 India 1,184,639,000 3,287,590.00 360.34

8 Argentina 40,518,951 2,766,890.00 14.64

9 Kazakhstan 16,197,000 2,717,300.00 5.96

10 Sudan 39,154,490 2,505,810.00 15.63

Top 10 Countries By Lowest Area

Country Name: Population Area
(Sq. Km.)
Population Density
(Sq. Km.)

1 Vatican City 800 1.00 800.00

2 Monaco 33,000 2.00 16,500.00

3 Nauru 10,000 21.00 476.19

4 Tuvalu 10,000 26.00 384.62

5 San Marino 32,386 61.00 530.92

6 Liechtenstein 35,904 160.00 224.40

7 Marshall Islands 63,000 181.00 348.07

8 Saint Kitts & Nevis 38,960 261.00 149.27

9 Maldives 314,000 300.00 1,046.67

10 Malta 416,333 316.00 1,317.51

Top 10 Countries By Highest Population Density

Country Name: Population Area
(Sq. Km.)
Population Density
(Sq. Km.)

1 Monaco 33,000 2.00 16,500.00

2 Singapore 4,987,600 693.00 7,197.11

3 Malta 416,333 316.00 1,317.51

4 Bahrain 807,000 665.00 1,213.53

5 Bangladesh 164,425,000 144,000.00 1,141.84

6 Maldives 314,000 300.00 1,046.67

7 Vatican City 800 1.00 800.00

8 Mauritius 1,297,000 2,040.00 635.78

9 Barbados 257,000 431.00 596.29

10 San Marino 32,386 61.00 530.92

Top 10 Countries By Lowest Population Density

Country Name: Population Area
(Sq. Km.)
Population Density
(Sq. Km.)

1 Mongolia 2,768,800 1,565,000.00 1.77

2 Namibia 2,212,000 825,418.00 2.68

3 Australia 22,421,417 7,686,850.00 2.92

4 Iceland 317,900 103,000.00 3.09

5 Suriname 524,000 163,270.00 3.21

6 Mauritania 3,366,000 1,030,700.00 3.27

7 Botswana 1,978,000 600,370.00 3.29

8 Canada 34,207,000 9,976,140.00 3.43

9 Guyana 761,000 214,970.00 3.54

10 Libya 6,546,000 1,759,540.00 3.72

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